Jul 2, 2011

Arena: Nassau Legislature To Vote On Election Funding

According to Newsday, the Nassau County Legislature will be voting on July 11 to see if Nassau County will be authorized to transfer $2.2 million to provide the necessary overhead and logistics for the August 1 referendum vote. In the articles, details of the logistics of the election are discussed. 

CH: This minor "obstacle" will pass easily if all this vote needs is a simple majority. In fact, in the article it states that the legislature passed the budget for it already and laid off 130 workers, which to be honest, could and should have made people angry. That said, I have no worries about this passing and as long as the full details (according to the Legislature) are shared, this vote is happening on August 1. Just remember to continue to e-mail your legislators and NIFA to share your concerns about how necessary this arena is for Long Island.

AT: And don't forget that once again, if the vote passes, Charles Wang covers the costs. Funny, I didn't see Newsday mentioning that.

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